Customers, Orders management

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Orders management
Changing status of articles, invoices, delivery slips, canceled .
Canceled Orders

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Online shop - Customers_management

Order Management

You can view the delivery notes and invoices in a simplified mode or in PDF format.
Example PDF Invoice
Example PDF delivery

The Cancel button to cancel an order while keeping track in the heading commands canceled.

Online shop - Customers_management
WebShop - Account management

To change the status of an order
Select status, write a comment if necessary (eg the date of shipment), then click Update.

When a customer has ordered several initial status are possible.

The customer pays by check (initial status: Pending)

  • When the check is received, pass the order status to Processing
  • When the package was sent, pass the status to Delivered

The customer pays by credit card via paypal

  • If the customer when the order goes to step Paypal but it abandons its command status will be preparing [Paypal IPN] , These uncompleted orders, are to remove.
  • The client has until the end of the ordering process, the status will processing, the order is settled (paid).
  • Once the package is shipping, pass the status to Delivered

Same procedure for various other means of payment.

Orders canceled

List of canceled orders
WebShop - canceled Order

Permanently delete a command has been canceled
( For example when a client has not completed its order, preparing Paypal )
Supprimer une commande annulée

Confirmation of the permanent removal
( Warning Order "Canceled" is not recoverable )
WebShop - canceled Order

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