Management Sales Auction

Product Management at auction
Add a product in auctions
Status products in auctions
Edit (update) a product in auction
Remove a product by auction (back to catalog)

Product Management at auction

Online store - Auction


Add a product in auctions


Online Store add auction

Online Store add auction

Select from the drop-down list the desired product
Fill in the fields
Last Price: starting price auction
Reserve: price that customers can view (no bid will be given below that price.
Minimum of bid:
Date and time of closing auction

click insert

The 22 inch screen is up for auction in your store

Statut (état) des ventes aux enchères

Wertronic -  Admin vente aux enchères

The status auctions quickly using visible lights.
The status is indicated by an info bubble when hovering a mouse by light.

- The first column of LEDs indicates the status of the sale:

Green: Sales open (ongoing)
Red: sale ended

- The second column of LEDs indicates the status of the command:

Flashing yellow : Waiting for the order taking
Yellow: Pending (ie check pending)
Orange: Processing (eg check has been received or paid by CB)
Red: Delivered
black: product unsold

N °: order number, the link will send you directly to the command.

Client ID: ID du client, le lien vous enverra directement sur les coordonnées du client.

Edit (update) an auction

Select the desired product
Online store - Auction

Click the edit button
Online store - Auction

Voir Edition enchère

Effacer une une vente aux enchère (remettre au catalogue)

Select the desired product
Online store - Auction

Click the delete button
Online store - Auction

Puis cliquez sur le bouton effacer
Online store - Auction

Check the "completely remove the catalog" if you do not want to sell the product catalog.

Generalites | TODO How to Accept Credit Cards | Boxes management | Configuration |
Categories/Product - Products_attributes.php - Manufacturers - Special - Promotions - Online_auction | Payment - Expédition - Total order | Customers_management | Localisation | Rapports | Data Feed Export | Boxes_management.php | SEO Optimization |