Web site hosting

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Référencement site Internet

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How to reference a site on the web
Addresses for referencing websites

List of search engines :

Français et Internationaux

List of Internet directories

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Useful Sites
Le guide du référencement de site

Référencement professionnel, presse, actualités etc.

How to reference a web site

Many believe that the referral is being present in a multitude of search engines and thousands of directories, but certainly the quality is probably more important.

Site structure and pages

The first thing for a site to be well referenced is its structure. Some pages are well structured very often the best places in search engines.
The title page is very very important (these titles appear at the top of your browser), look on as a search engine Google to chance, the first thing it shows. The title of a page can have around 60 characters.
Note: The page titles as index, index-2, page 1, page 2 do will bring you no visitors!
Then comes the hierarchy of titles within the page, titre1 (h1), titre2 (h2), paragraphs and of course the text that you put with sentences well constructed and with the possible keywords that match your subject, activity that people will naturally seek.
In all search engines are becoming more "intelligent" and therefore any account (even the name of your files and folders). Making pages in a logical and clear is often an exellent solution.

Registration in directories and search engines

Register your site in directories, it is especially this way that search engines find your site, do it manually ie Anuaire looking on the Internet and do not take into account only directories that appeal to you, even if at the time their PageRank is not very good. Forget directories with too many ads you jump to the figure, taking into account that advertising is often their only way to exist.

Registration in search engines is not the most important because you can list your site in finding the directories.

It's not overnight that your site will be properly referenced, it is work every day for you and search engines scan their robots (they visit your site automatically) the web constantly. Therefore it is interesting to study the statistics of your site regularly.

You'll see that within a few weeks and the months following your site will be listed and indexed in search engines and directories for which you have taken no steps!.


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