The control panel is pre-configured when we create your account, this will mainly help to create your e-mail, and view your statistics.
All information of contact, login password, you were sent by email during the creation of your account

Statistics of your site (Awstats)

Statistics are calculated daily at 5:00 am.

Management authorized users

Create a set of statistics

View statistics of a domain name

Management authorized users

If any set of Satistics has been created, it must first create a user.

To access the statistics of your site via the client area, you will need a login and a password.
Here you define them.

You can choose multiple logins, it is not necessary to put something into the fields after the dash. This field is useful if you create multiple sets of statistics for several subdomain.
pierre1 for:
pierre1_photos for: photos.votredomaine.tld

This also applies to allow access to others.


Control panel menu

If no user has been created
Statistics users

Creating a user
authorized users

After creating a user name is displayed in the list
stats change password

Create a set of statistics

At least one user must be defined. See above.









Select website



Do not forget to check the user or users who have access to these statistics (especially if you view the stats via the Client area).

Click again:
Control panel menu

Click Create a set of statistics
Create new statistics website

Select the site for which you create a set of statistics
Stats Select host

Stats select user
and click create those statistics

stats awstats


Viewing statistics of a website

Click on View.

The statistics are also available from the customer area, it allows other people to see the statistics of your site without going into the administration of your account.
Each user can have a different login and password (see step above).

Statistics are calculated daily at 5:00 am.

Statistiques site - Visualiser


Main Contents | Home control panel | Host a Domain | Add a subdomain | FTP Accounts | Email accounts | Statistics for your site | rotecting a directory (password) | File manager | Managing your mysql databases | Quotas of your account | Change the password of your account | Change e-mail contact your account | DNS Servers manager | Locking / unlocking domain